Wellcome to National Portal
Main Comtent Skiped

Citizen Charter


1. All the necessary health services are provided to the patients who come to the hospital.

2. The emergency department of the hospital is open 24 hours a day and emergency medical services are provided to the incoming patients.

3. EOC service is provided 24 hours a day.

4. General surgery, orthopedic, gynecology, eye and nose-ear-throat major and minor operations including medical treatment are performed under the supervision of the specialists of the admitted patients.

5. In the outpatient and inpatient departments of the hospital, patients are required to undergo pathology examination, ultrasonogram, X-ray and ECG.

6. Under the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Program, sputum is collected for sputum testing of TB patients and free medicine is provided to TB and leprosy patients.

7. If necessary, health care is provided to the inmates at the nearest jail.

8. Every day children and women are vaccinated under the EPI program.

9. Incoming patients are given health, nutrition and reproductive health education.

10. The activities of the women friendly hospital are conducted.

11. The activities of the child friendly hospital are conducted.

12. Skill Berkh conducts training activities for attendants.

13. Reproductive health and family planning activities are conducted among incoming adolescents and able-bodied couples.

14. Necessary tests are arranged for HIV / AIDS.

15. Safe blood circulation Arrangements are made for safe blood circulation.

16. ORT Corner is open for diarrhea patients.

17.Patients referred from different district hospitals and upazila hospitals are given health care with importance and any patient is referred to medical college hospital if necessary.

18. Waste is managed in the prescribed manner.

19. Subject to supply, medicines are provided free of cost from the service center. However, in case of need for treatment, the recipient may have to purchase some medicine from outside the center.

20. There is a list of stocks in different wards / sections, list of services provided, list of doctors.